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“I’d like to cover Imposter Syndrome in a couple of blogs. During my more than 40 years of providing life changing transformational experiences in live and online programs I’ve been asked this frequently by new people who come to me for training, coaching and consulting. Recently, some very wealthy people have reached out with similar questions and issues. There’s every reason to be positive.

There’s every reason to not only hope but know for certain you can make the changes necessary to develop the competence necessary to feel confident. This IS important to know. Typically, someone feels the insecurity that accompanies lack of skill. They’ve never done something before, and they’ve been conditioned, as most of us have, to be apprehensive about our skills and abilities.

We don’t want to get it wrong. Remember, schooling? They put pressure on us to not make mistakes and to get it right, so we would be embarrassed or punished. So, we end up thinking no matter what we do or how well we do it, we’re never good enough. That sucks because you might be really, really good, but still lack the confidence that comes from becoming competent and excelling. Know this.

Keep in mind. It’s about conditioning. It’s about mental and emotional habits. As a person begins to do what they intend to do anchored feelings of doubt, hesitation, insecurity, the feeling of being an imposter or fraud may accompany the intentions. What do you think most people do? They put their attention on the feelings and split if from the task at hand. They try to do two things at once.

You’re never as good as you can be if your focus is split. It’s like having one foot on the boat and the other on the dock. It’s shaky and unsure. You’re in neither place. You can’t leave on the boat and get to where you want to go because you’re still partly on the dock. You’ve not committed. You haven’t fully decided. You must. Get on the boat or stay on the dock. You want to be on the boat, don’t you?

Instead of fully committing to performance your attention and energy go into the less-than-glorious feelings. This is no way to perform, succeed or live well. Like test anxiety, you may know all the material really well, but the energy of anxiety prevents you from accessing the information you need at the time. If you want to succeed at the task, you must let the feelings go and perform the task.

Especially, if it is something you are good at. If you aren’t good at it yet, while you are in the learning stage, you can begin to develop the confidence that you can get good at it by learning well and practicing correctly, consistently, repeatedly for a long enough time to develop the correct, good mental, emotional and behavior habits that accompany the accomplishment. It’s all about focus.

In the next blog or a few blogs, I’ll cover this more. For now, understand you don’t have to suffer. You can learn to be different. You can develop the confidence that accompanies the development of competence. If you are really good at something you should feel like it. If you aren’t yet you should not feel as if you have arrived but that you can arrive and learn well along the way. Get this.

You don’t want to BS yourself. That’s not a good thing. You want the skills and the feelings of being skilled to arise together to serve you. You don’t want to deceive yourself. That’s IS what you’re doing when you’re good at something but don’t feel like it! You’re deceiving yourself through mental and feeling habits of unworthiness, or ‘I’m not good or good enough.’ This can be remedied. Know it.

If you are a regular reader of my blog or books, owner and user of the Attitude Activator™ or have participated in my programs then you already have some idea of how to make this positive change. Transformation is only a decision away! It is a choice. Stay on the dock or get on the boat. Choose. Dog shit or diamonds. I’ll share more next time. Remember, we ain’t done yet. It’s a process. LIFE is a process! Know this and you’re ahead of others who don’t. Know this and celebrate it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

NOTE: Have an incredible day! See you next time. Meanwhile, be sure to listen to the Attitude Activator™, reread my book and blogs. Practice what you are learning in my programs. Subscribe to this blog if you haven’t yet AND share it for others so they too can benefit!


If you’d like some valuable help to live Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want get your copy today!  It is a life changer!

“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices. Check it out now. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Transform yourself and how you think, feel and behave to get Celebrate!

“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D


©2020 Book Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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